Currently life is treating me well. No hectic life anymore. Emm well, not too busy, but then everyday balik 12am jugak :( *sigh.. YES, that's my work life. My night life is at my office, people! *sigh sigh sigh.. My choice, I wanted to work for Dubai when I was offered to work for Asian country. Hehe mesti korang pening kan? Ok jom cerita about my work life ;)
I'm currently working for Standard Chartered (SCB) Dubai. Not Malaysia, people. Hey hey.. I still live in Malaysia ok. SCB has its own global hub called Scope International M Sdn Bhd (where I work with now). One at Chennai, India (main global hub) and the other one is at Malaysia. So, as for working for SCB Dubai, I have to follow their time-zone, public holidays, etc. Jadi jangan pelik jika kamu di Malaysia ber'public-holiday' and I have to WORK! Damn x best. Yang bestnye, masuk keje 1.30p.m (ok harus bold di sini), balik keje x tentu. Depends on workloads. Usually end of the month baru banyak keje coz orang nak bayar salary. Oh lagi satu info penting. I only cuti on Friday, which means I work on weekends!! Saturday is on rotate basis. Example, if I work on 1st and 3rd week, 2nd and 4th week cuti. Selang-seli la. Meaning, ada la jugak cuti hari Sabtu. :) hehe..
Ok enough with work.
Today last day keje!! (for this week only, not forever ok) Yay!! Can't wait of holidays. ;))
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