Hello everyone.. Tiba-tiba rasa macam ada update blog. Macam da lama x update. hehe..
Currently life is treating me well. No hectic life anymore. Emm well, not too busy, but then everyday balik 12am jugak :( *sigh.. YES, that's my work life. My night life is at my office, people! *sigh sigh sigh.. My choice, I wanted to work for Dubai when I was offered to work for Asian country. Hehe mesti korang pening kan? Ok jom cerita about my work life ;)
I'm currently working for Standard Chartered (SCB) Dubai. Not Malaysia, people. Hey hey.. I still live in Malaysia ok. SCB has its own global hub called Scope International M Sdn Bhd (where I work with now). One at Chennai, India (main global hub) and the other one is at Malaysia. So, as for working for SCB Dubai, I have to follow their time-zone, public holidays, etc. Jadi jangan pelik jika kamu di Malaysia ber'public-holiday' and I have to WORK! Damn x best. Yang bestnye, masuk keje
1.30p.m (ok harus bold di sini), balik keje x tentu. Depends on workloads. Usually end of the month baru banyak keje coz orang nak bayar salary. Oh lagi satu info penting. I only cuti on Friday, which means I work on weekends!! Saturday is on rotate basis. Example, if I work on 1st and 3rd week, 2nd and 4th week cuti. Selang-seli la. Meaning, ada la jugak cuti hari Sabtu. :) hehe..
Ok enough with work.
Bosan! hehe.. Eh jap jap! Anyways, I'll have my annual leaves starting tomorrow(Thursday) until Saturday. Yay!! Sapa mahu ngedate(dating) sama saya? :P I have some plans with Ameer and friends. Our friend ajak for a day trip to A Famosa Water World. On the way balik tu, nak singgah PD tgk sunset la konon nya. hehe.. But then, not sure lagi how's the plan. Biasalah, lagi ramai, lagi banyak songeh. Gedik kan masing2? Haha.. We will see how the plan goes. One thing for sure, I just wanna spend some of my precious time with my love.
ngee :DToday last day keje!! (for this week only, not forever ok) Yay!! Can't wait of holidays. ;))
me at my work station. :)